Well back to our morning James and Sam got dressed then packed up the sofa bed. To find that John had gone to a bakery brought some pastries and bread all fresh from the oven and smelling delicious. Breakfast was delightful with cereal ,Nesquick , pastries and toast. How could life be better. John made it even better. He said we are going to the Eiffel Tower. Yippee Eiffel Tower here we come.
Sadly there was a delay to our visit to the Eiffel Tower. In stead we did more sight seeing. John or Toni had heard of something called the Paris Story we visited to see when they play the next video and they bought tickets. This gave us sometime to get a coffee or a drink.
We visited a cafe to have a drink but all of had to have a drink and John and Toni wanted a coffee. All of us had have something to drink or order something if we wanted stay. Instead all of us left. Sammy really needed to pee and was being miserable. We came across another cafe which seemed good and no problems. Sam went to the toilet John and Toni had there coffee and all was well.
After the coffee we walked around and saw amazing churches and famous buildings and lots of pigeons. There was this one rumour that spreader round and apparently we're going to visit a sewer.
Yay time to see the Paris Story hmm I wasn't expecting head phones with different languages. Do you think they speak kakapo?
We had to change channels to change languages and yet they still interfered also only one side was working. The story was great with lots of info.
Did you now the Eiffel Tower was going to get disassembled but instead got turned into a radio communication tower?
The thing that keeps the Eiffel Tower today is its reputation and the tourist with selfie sticks (which really get in the way).
Another fun kakapo fact is that, did you know they built quarry's under Paris which made the ground unstable and turned it into a catacomb?
There's still more facts like, Paris started off on a island on the river Seine and there's a famous church called Notradam there.
After the movie I was in an odd mood about the sewer. I didn't want to go in the sewer museum but I'm also curious about the sewers like of it was really true each tunnel had a street name or road on it.

Is that a staircase a head and is that day light. Yippee where free from that horrible stench and now dirty Paris smells so clean compared to the last half hour. So where up now to find lunch and I'm glad I didn't have lunch before the sewers because I might of lost it. Time to find a cafe for lunch.
Ooh yes a pavement cafe perfect prices ant to high check, decent amount of customers
check and a spare table for five and a kakapo under the table check. Hmm this seems fit the job. Lucy and James had burgers. Sam had a club sandwich. Toni had duck salad. Ohh poor duck. John had steak and frites and I ate scraps. Apart from the duck.

We are going to the tube station and waiting for the tube to arrive 3 2 1 here it is. Where now standing up all the seats are taken and I'm living life in the hand bag. Near are station people got off where a bit out from city centre so lees people where on but still very little seats. Ahh where here time to get off and head back to the apartment.
Time for cocktail hour I just had juice while the kids had Oringina. It wasn't very long until Toni announced for more blogs the kids didn't look very happy. Sam mainly read most of the time. While Lucy and James where being productive.
Dinner time ooohh more left overs of cold chicken in wraps or sandwiches. Which didn't last long hmm everyone was hungry. Foods over time to relax James and Sam also got ready for bed and Sam and James argued about who made the bed which Sam made very poorly and James had to remake the bed. Well that's the end of the day and it's time for another noisy night I'll ask Sam to close the window tonight thats all kakapo out.
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