Glenorchy Community has a very clear vision for the entranceway for its
town. The vision was drawn up a number
of years ago after a very thorough and detailed Community planning process.
vision is for a wide open approach through the town with a tree-lined avenue,
grassy verges and clear open views.
Since then much has been done to implement
the vision. Council changed the rules in
the District Plan for Glenorchy, strips of land have been taken for planting
and a fair number of trees have been planted by the Community in accordance
with the landscape plan in the Glenorchy Community vision. New buildings that have been built have all
been set back 5 metres from their front boundary.
The Environment
Court will be asked this week to modify Pounamu’s plans for ‘Camp Glenorchy’ that
were approved by Council so that the Glenorchy Community Vision Plan is adhered
to and the hard work and effort put in by the Community to date is not compromised
and importantly it still remains possible to implement the long term vision.
If the Glenorchy Community
Vision Plan was adhered to the following would be in place:
- · Buildings would be set back 5 metres
from the boundary.
- · There would be a deciduous tree-lined
avenue with wide open grassy verges.Providing wide open views.
- · Un-impeded access for horses and
Plans approved by Council
that are being appealed in the Environment Court.
- · Buildings are right up to boundary onto
the reserve.
- · Three quarters of the public reserve
is being fenced off as a front garden for the cabins.
- · Existing avenue of trees cut down.
- · Replacement with dense clusters of
beech trees that cause shading and frost hazards.
- · Access along the reserve on horseback
no longer possible.
vision plan and the rules in the District Plan state that buildings on Oban
Street need to be set back 5 metres from their front boundary. The plans approved by Council allow the
cabins to be built right onto the boundary.
Reserves Act requires planting schemes etc. to be drawn up between Council and
the Community and in this case the expectation is, Council would base their
plan on the Glenorchy Community vision.
Instead Pounamu approached and were given permission by Council, without
consultation with the Community and contrary to the Community plan, to fence
off significant parts of the Reserve.
This effectively annexes it to their site as a front garden and access
to the cabins, and allows planting of the Reserve in a way that is completely
at odds with the Glenorchy Community plan.
The approved planting will also cause safety hazards, shading and
frosting of the roads in the winter and make it impossible to pass along the Reserve
on horseback. Plans for Camp Glenorchy
show cars parked along the road in front of the cabins where children cross to
go to school.
first drafts of Pounamu’s plans for the site that were widely circulated
through the Community showed the cabins setback “to comply” with QLDC
requirements and the Glenorchy Community plan.
Along the way, more and more buildings and structures have been put on
this site and the cabins have been pushed forward right up to the boundary
foregoing the required 5 metre setback. Pounamu’s
lawyers have argued this does not apply to them because of the poor wording in
the District Plan. i.e. making use of a
loophole. The Environment Court is being
asked to re-write the setback rule to remove the claimed ambiguity that is in
the existing rules and to confirm the outcome of the clear decision made by the
hearing panel when Council changed the rules at the request of the Community i.e all buildings setback 5 metres from the
beautification strip along Oban Street.
beautification strip is public Reserve and what happens there or is planted or
built-on it must be agreed after an open, Council lead consultation
process. In this instance Pounamu were
given permission to undertake landscaping works without any reference to the Community
before being given that permission.
the guise of protecting planting three quarters of the public Reserve will be
enclosed by a fence. The landscaping
will make it impossible to use the reserve to pass along on horseback. The intention is to plant a significant
number of beech trees (50). This will
cause shading, frosting, loss of views from properties on the other side of the
road and is contrary to Councils own tree policy*
existing deciduous trees that were planted by the Community in accordance with
the vision plan, don’t cause shading or frosting in the winter. The trees that are planted on that Reserve
represent the first steps in achieving a tree-lined avenue along the
entranceway to Glenorchy and this work has been further continued as can be
seen by the individual trees planted between Campbelltown and Glenorchy.
proposal to remove these trees and replace them with dense plantings of beech
and other natives totally undermines any chance of the Community long term
vision of the entranceway being achieved.
has been a lot of implied criticism by some in the Community, of the court
action and resulting delay in the construction of Camp Glenorchy. At the end of
the day if the plans for Camp Glenorchy met with the rules in the district plan
there would be no case in the Environment Court.
is a very daunting and un-rewarding job to stand up to the unlimited resources
of developers and the continual obstruction by Council. It shouldn’t be too
much to ask that Council follow the due process that protects the rights of the
Community as a whole.
Having strong-minded individuals in our Community
who stand up and speak for what they believe to be right is part of what makes
Glenorchy what it is. It will be a sad day when we lose our integrity and self-belief.
It is a sad day when we are prepared to sell out our integrity and our beliefs
to the highest bidder.
is undergoing rapid growth and change.
There is no point in the Community producing visions if we allow them to
be overturned at the first opportunity.
If they are, Glenorchy will be a much poorer place as result
The hearing
is in Queenstown in the courtrooms at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday 21 October and is
open to the public.
Says it all - beautifully! Thanks for your support guys - it's much appreciated!