We finally arrived at the Monserat. The mountain looked just like some teeth. They also looked quite a bit like easter island heads. WE started to queue for the cable car that took us up to the monastery. By the time the cable car got back to us we were at the front of the line. The cable cars doors opened and we all piled into the cable car. We had one look at the view and gasped...
Rocky boulders lined the gully and stuck to the side of the mountain. There were cave, crevices and quite a few flat faces, perfect for rock climbing, and Kakapo kilimbing. My friend the Kea would be jealous. When we arrived at the top of the cable car we hopped off and wandered around just taking in the view, and enjoying ourselves. We then enlisted that there were two trains, one going down to the ????????? And another one going up to finnicula st Joan.

We took the train back down and decided it was time for lunch. John went to find some food and came back with some baguette sandwiches. E sat down and enjoyed our sandwiches before heading down the cab, e car. When we got to the train station John realized he read the train schedule incorrectly, meaning that we still had 45 minutes to wait. It was a long wait. Finally e boarded the train and went back home.
We bought some more food at the supermarket, paid, and John and the boys went home while lucy and Toni stayed to go look at shops. (I don't know why though, it's confusing.) John and the boys waited at the apartment until the girls came home. Then we had cocktail hour. Afterwards, the kids relaxed while John cooked dinner. E ate then pretty much entry to bed.
Everyone's settling down for bed so I'll nd this blog now, squaaark!
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