Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Viella 29 July - Maverick scribed by John

Le Sqkwark toute le mondes! We are in the sleepy quiet countryside of France - a small village called Viella where in a short walk on the Main Street you can buy petrol from the paper shop, get your hair cut, buy coffee and meet the Mayor and see where the humans dance with Bulls once a year! John gets very excited because village shop has a wonderful selection of les fromages et viandes whatever those are. No birdseed though. The family are taken to what is known as a Maison de vin. For some reason that I can't work out, they squash perfectly good grapes into big wooden barrels where they leave them in the dark and cold for a few years before emptying them into bottles. I ate grapes when I went on holiday to Queenstown once and had a runny tummy for ages afterwards. Just goes to show about foreign foods. Anyway, after a long and tasty lunch we all have a siesta which means having a sleep in the daytime so you can go out at night. Being largely nocturnal this is right up my street. Later on we all go to a jazz festival. I've never seen so many humans with instruments playing in one place. Apparently the music goes for 3 weeks every year. Even the old church we go into has jazz gospel playing in the background. What a fun evening, everyone relaxed and enjoying themselves. Just when I thought it was time for bed, we drive through the countryside to another small town that has a festival by a river where the musicians have performed a rain dance and turned a sunny warm day into a dark wet night. I'm impressed that humans can do this although for some reason the stall holders don't seem to happy. The humans had rustic sausages and potatoes wrapped in bread whilst they sheltered under the trees. Lots of stalls and not one of them selling birdseed. I'll have to write a letter to them when I get home.

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