Wiwanni hut to Ausserberg 27 July - Maverick scribed by Sam
We wake up to find ourselves in a hut at Switzerland. If you didn't read our last blog, we had to climb up a mountain. Now we have stayed the night. Unfortunately nobody got any sleep because there was an annoying beepy noise. Sam was the only person that wasn't woken up by it.We go have breakfast and we head town the mountain. The last bit is the steepest bit. Unfortunately when we get to the road we have to walk down unlike when we got up we got a taxi. We have to walk all the way to the hotel which is further than walking to the road. We see lots of amazing things. On the way down we fin a bench and we stop there for a little bit and eat some fruit and thankfully I am taken out of the bag. The whole way I only could see out of a little hole. We find little paths that cut a little bit and then go back on the road. When we get to the town we decide to stop James and Toni decided to go ahead because they needed to go toilet. But they took a wrong turn and they ended up being the last people there.Finally we get there and we have lunch. Lunch is great then we go back and relax for the rest of the day. It's dinner time and we get a cheese fondue. Well that was a day good night.

Hey Sammy, nice blog! Yes, I know, all the way down to Ausserberg is quite long! I am so pleased you made it up to Wiwanni Hut, the nicest hut of the Swiss mountains! Of course I read Tonis part of climbing up too. Shame I was not there, but pleased you have seen what it is like. Marianne