Monday, 13 July 2015

Bangkok 1 July - Maverick scribed by Toni

Good morning world.  As a large parrot I need my space and this is a concrete jungle!  Oh for the trees… Bangkok is apparently not nearly as bad as used to be according to Toni.  She remembers smog filled streets and traffic chaos, as cities go this isn’t too bad.

As it is 1 July, Toni has a bit of administration to do – mainly wages as we need to pay our wonderful staff back at Kinloch.  This is a bit of a complex thing to do as the access key for logging onto the cloud with Netpay is sent to Toni’s mobile so this means that Portia needs to email Toni straight away before this expires.  There are three new fabulous casual staff to add and 4 pages of input for each one.  John is going a little stir crazy waiting for Toni and personally I need my morning walk as well.  Toni points out to John that this is an extra day and we should use this to catch up.

The afternoon is spent sorting out Lucy’s phone.  A rather unfortunate incident of water in the bag in the minor splash zone at Water world, Universal Studios caused Lucy and James’s phones to stop working so consequently they were without their cameras.  James’s phone luckily dried out though

Lucy’s phone would not budge.  What service, straight to Samsung customer service to have it looked at.  They determined that it would cost more than the phone was worth to replace this, gave us a quotation and consequently we hit the ‘Power Mall’ to choose Lucy a new phone.
During this process the kids were introduced to Vietnamese food in the massive food hall.  I quite approve of these tasty treats.  Lots of interesting flavoured nuts and veges wrapped in clear pancakes.  Too much hot sauce turned me into a turbo-charged parrot and this was much needed as the process of getting home left a lot to be desired.  John left early to grab the visas rather than hang out with the children looking into phones.  By the time the kids were ready to go, they queued for a taxi for 20 minutes and gave up.  Hit the MTR, then gave up and walked faster than the traffic down the road towards Sukhimvit.
Eventually the traffic started to move and cabs became available so it was 45 minutes through traffic back to the Charming Apartment.
Straight to the rooftop to the pool and to watch the sun setting over Bangkok ready for another day.
Dinner was had at a street restaurant with a Korean style chicken BBQ.  No-one wanted to stay up!

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