Thursday, 23 July 2015

Maverick in Hoi An - 8 July Maverick scribed by John

Skwaark! Aye aye me hearties, all this seaside living reminds me of a cousin who lives on a pirate ship - but that's another story...

This morning Lucy and Toni are across the road showing Na who has just opened a restaurant, how to poach  and scramble eggs in a very simple kitchen that makes them realise how lucky John is with his kitchen at Kinloch. The boys are pretending to do a power walk along the beach and its only 7am.

After breakfast the parents make the kids write their diaries or blogs as I'm told they're called these days and then they are allowed to swim which makes me a bit envious watching from a deck chair, but feathers and sea water are not a good combination for a land based parrot.

What - more food? It's only 11.30, but the family have been invited for a traditional Vietnamese meal cooked by the owners of the homestay we're living in. Very tasty it seemed too.

Next stop is a copy shop to print lots for forms that have to be filled out to get a visa for China - homework for the grownups! - and then a last look round some of the very old buildings in Hoi An and shopping - clothes for Lucy (surprise surprise), a hat for James who left his on a plane (surprise surprise), and a belt for John who has lost so much weight his trousers are falling down. Skwarhahaha only kidding!

Back to the hostel then across the road for dinner but the kids are already full after eating up left over pizza from last night. Yum Yum, better than bird seed any day.

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