Maverick follows the Ho Chi Minh trail to Cambodia - 2 July. Maverick scribed by Sam
Up early in the morning go down stairs to get the taxi to the airport the stupid taxi man tried to rip us off. He was running a meter taxi and he tried to make us pay 500 Bart. I'm not going to talk anymore of this because it's sooooooo disappointing(sigh). We finally get a taxi after walking for five minutes but since I'm so small I get to (squark) go in the bag (squark squark). We finally get in the bus after waiting ten minutes the bus finally it starts. Yippee free food and water unfortunately with horrible coffee according to John cause I don't drink coffee I'm kakapo the thought of coffee makes me want to squark. Passing through the border there were lots of casinos when we get through the border it starts rain and I hate rain it's cold and horrible but here it rains so hard it looks like water falls on the window Sam kept saying to the motor bikers have some sploosh I don't no what sploosh is but when he said it a big wave of water came up from the side of the bus and covered the motor bikers in water. We arrive at the bus place and get a Tuk tuk (if you know what a Tuk Tuk is keep reading if you don't it's a motor bike with a chariot sort of thing the boys went in one the girls went in the other. We had special rain things that kept the rain out and we arrived hopped in our rooms got in our togs and has a swim. Came back in dried off relaxed had dinner The End
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