The end (Toni)"Hey!" (Maverick)Squark! squark! (Toni)"don't give me any of that!" (Maverick)squark! (Toni)"No"
The Royal Palace Cruse

... Hi Maverick here and today we are in the middle of the royal palace cruse. Up early again (always getting up early) to have breakfast. Yay! a buffet not icky poo Asian food. We get lots of yummy food Sausages,Eggs,Bacon,Toast ect. A good meal for the one and only SURPRISING CAVE!!!!! Will there be Kakapo eating zombies maybe every family has to sacrifice one child to the gods. I don't know but it is SURPRISING!!!!! or maybe it's surprising because its not surprisingly surprising. We get to the cave what's surprising about it I don't know we're about to find out. We get inside its big surprisingly big wait that's why it's surprising its massive three chambers little narrow hallways between them. After seeing lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of stuff we go away from the surprisingly surprising surprising cave and we go biking we have an amazing view 10 km in total to the middle of the island and back. After biking 5 km we finally get there have a nice long drink of water ahh the glory ends fast back on the bike to go back. Wait still we can't have a rest because we go swimming it was nice and warm at the top of the sea and cold at the bottom the goggles we used were really good so we could see all the fish and "Were Going" cmon can't have two hours without having to go. At least my feathers dried pretty quickly. Back to the boat for a nicereszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Oh hi again now it's dinner yay more food nom nom nom nom nom crunch slurp nom nom ahh now I'm full good night
Sammy sounds awesome oh to be a parrot on holiday!! We are back at school and getting geared up for ski camp next week. Hopefully the weather gods are good to us.